Rendal Studio is a young independent videogame production company, located near Paris, France.
We truly believe that our projects should be developed using transmedia storytelling. It enables us to create great stories we can adapt on other media due to our very creative and unique universes.
We are proud to work and to be managed as independent audiovisual producers do : we build dedicated teams around each specific project, thanks to our network of talents and artists. We think collaborative work is a good way to do what we do.
Rendal Studio is always searching for new talents. If you have a project or just need executive work, we will be delighted to hear from you.
Legal mentions
Website operator :
Business name : Rendal Studio
Address : 4, rue de la chaussée, 77170 Brie Comte Robert, France.
Website :
E-Mail : contact @ Rendalstudio .com
Rendal Studio is a limited liability company (company registration number: RCS Melun, B 753 574 391)
Webmaster : Rendal Studio
This website is hosted in France by the following hosting service provider :
Hosting : OVH
Adress web :
Adress : 2 rue kellermann, BP 80157, 59053 ROUBAIX Cedex 1, France.
Phone : +33 (0)8 203 203 63